How Long Can You Leave a Biliary Stent In?

Biliary Stents

People are moving towards minimally invasive surgeries due to the many benefits they have. The biliary stent is a minimally invasive medical equipment reducing the risk of any infection. A biliary stents is a thin plastic or metal tube inserted into the biliary duct to clear any obstructions. Obstructed bile in the liver leads to many problems, which include pale skin, itching and nausea. The stent helps in clearing out the obstacle and aiding the system. 

There are various reasons why the bile can be obstructed which are:

  • Pancreatic cancer

  • Inflammation of the pancreas

  • Gallstones

  • Radiation therapy

  • Internal injury

  • Inflammation of bile ducts

What should you do before inserting a biliary stent?

  • You should avoid eating or drinking at least 6 hours before the insertion of the stent.

  • Tell your physician about your medication history, especially if you are allergic to iodine. 

  • You will be given antibiotics which will be continued for several days.

During the process:

  • The stent might be placed for few days.

  • A short plastic tube carrying the stent into the biliary system using a hardwire.

  • The stent delivery system helps in the placement of the stent in the biliary duct.

  • Balloon dilation helps in providing good expansion.

How long can it stay inside?

The biliary stents needs a replacement for three to six months to avoid any inflammation. Leaving a biliary stent for more than three years can result in severe repercussions. The stent that is left becomes complex with time and have the following results:

  • It can lead to the formation of stones in the bailey ducts.

  • Stent blockage

  • Pancreatitis

  • The stent can move from the position where it was inserted.

As these processes are pretty intricate, it is essential to maintain the quality of the medical equipment used. Low-grade products can often lead to the risk of infections. Manishmedi is a manufacturer of biliary stents assuring the highest quality possible to its customers for decades. If you want more information regarding biliary stents or any medical equipment, you can visit the following site:


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