What to expect if you receive a ureteral stent?


As one of the best Ureteral stent manufacturers globally, we guarantee the safety of the products. Ureteral stent placement has been used very often in today's surgery, and it is safe and convenient. However, you may experience some discomfort or unusual symptoms. Some of them are not serious, and some should be cured by consulting the doctor. Here I will tell you about what symptoms you can expect after placement of your body's ureteral stent. Before that, let's discuss in detail ureteral stent placement and when you should use it.


What is Ureter?

Ureters inside our body are tubes linked to the kidney and used as drainage of urine from the kidney to the bladder. If, for some reason, your ureters are blocked, then urine can't be drained from the kidney, and the kidney becomes full of urine and swelled up. This disorder is termed hydronephrosis. It may result from a tumor forcing up the ureter, scar tissues, or renal stones.


What is Ureteral Stent?

A ureteral stent is a medical equipment placed inside the body to regulate urine drainage. One end of the ureteral stent is intacted to the kidney, and the other end meets in the bladder. This causes the urine to flow through the blocked ureter continuously and keep the ureter open. As one of the best Ureteral stent suppliers, we care about the safety and longevity of the product since these are used for a temporary period as well as several years. Our Urology catheter manufacturers make the stent flexible for smooth operation.


Let's look into the fact when you should expect a Ureteral stent placement surgery and how the process is done: Ureteral stent is used to regulate the drainage of urine despite having any obstacle inside the ureter, to cure ureter after going through complex operation or to remove stones from the kidney. If the ureter is blocked, this ureteral stent is very beneficial to save a life-threatening situation. If there are stones as blockage, then the stone can be removed to prevent the infection. Also, the placement of a Ureteral Stent increases the volume of the ureter, and the stones can be removed with less pain and complicacy in the future. Stones can be removed quite easily with the removal of the stent. This stent also can be used to cure the ureter after any surgery preventing any obstacle from causing a blockage in the ureter. Before placing it, a camera is inserted into the bladder and urethra, and then a Ureteral stent is inserted supervising through x-ray.


What to expect after placement of Ureteral Stent?

After placement of stents, even they are made carefully by Urology catheter manufacturers; you may feel a pulling sensation when urine will be drained. It's recommended to drink water more than the regular amount for the first 24 hours. During these hours, you are restricted to use any exercise which demands pressure, like lifting heavy weight or any exercise which pressures abdominal muscles. After following all the instructions carefully for the first 24 hours, you are free to resume your regular activity.

You will have to go for urination frequently more than usual. You may feel to urinate immediately and feel some sort of discomfort in your bladder. You may feel pain in the lower abdomen. You may see blood in the urine as long as you have the stent placed inside your body. This may happen after you have done heavy chores. Drink more water, and this will go to normal. You need to change the Ureteral Stent regularly and purchase from the same ureteral stent manufacturers as your doctor instructs. If any sort of discomfort happens, do not hesitate to contact your doctor. Considering the safety, contact our Ureteral stent suppliers for a better experience.



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