Here’s everything you need to know about Ureteral Stent


What is Ureter and Ureteral Stent?


The Ureter is a tube that connects to the bladder and carries urine from the kidney. It is related to both the kidneys and goes into the bladder and urine ousts from the urethra. The Ureter of adult measures about 10-12 inches.


A ureteral stent is a plastic tube placed from the kidney to the bladder through Ureter to recover urine passing. Ureteral Stent help is taken when the Ureter is in problem and after the urinary tract surgery or when treating the kidney stones. As Ureteral Stent is placed inside the Ureter, it helps the Ureter expand, resulting in the easy removal of kidney stones.


Why is the ureteral stent used?


Manish Medi innovation is one of the leading ureteral stent manufacturers, and ureteral stents are used while treating patients with Urinary Tract Infections and kidney stones. The Ureter is connected to the kidney, and when there occurs a malfunctioning in the kidney, the Ureter cannot function properly. By the insertion of a ureteral stent, enlarges the Ureter and makes way for treatment in case of the presence of kidney stones.


We are the Ureteral Stent Suppliers for the leading medical organizations serving with the title of no compromise in the quality, reaching the international standards with the best adapted technological advancements.


What are the problems faced by patients after the insertion of a ureter stent?

Ureters stent causes discomfort to the patients. They experience discomfort while passing the urine, burning sensation, pain in the Ureter, Irritation, Blood flow with the urine, Discomfort while ejecting the stent, etc. Hence Manish Medi Innovations, the Urology catheters manufacturers, and other disposable medical devices follow the regular quality checks to have the ideal outcome.



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