Manishmedi - Malecot Nephrostomy Catheter manufacturers

Manishmedi - Malecot Nephrostomy Catheter manufacturers

Why Malecot Nephrostomy Catheters?

There are millions of pathologies which need to be researched and studied to improve the quality of human life. The medical field and doctors constantly battle researching on new medicine and medical treatment to resolve various pathological issues. One among the fields which needed attention is the urinary tract and kidney ailment where the patients undergo severe pain and stress. With the constant research, the medical sector has experienced success in the treatment of diseases and resolved this issue with catheters and stents: the major contribution being the Malecot Nephrostomy catheters.
 The MalecotNephrostomy Catheter manufacturer, ManishMediInnovation brings these catheters that are specifically used as Nephrostomy Drainage Catheter and Ureteral Stent. Their commendable service in manufacturing authentic stents and catheters has completely fixed the issue.
The Malecot Nephrostomy Catheter has helped to reduce pain and is popularly used in the percutaneous placement of a Malecot catheter in the renal pelvis for nephrostomy drainage. The Malecot Nephrostomy Catheter helps to effectively drain the liquid from the body without causing any pain or distress.

·         The Malecot Nephrostomy Catheter is highly radio-opaque, which aids in better visualization.

    The Malecot Nephrostomy Catheter has a flower design which helps to enhance the drainage and also improve catheter retention.

    The rounded tip of the Malecot Nephrostomy Catheter helps to lessen the trauma to the tissues

As these catheters are used inside the body, it is important to manufacture them with good quality materials that do not cause harm or infection in the body. 

Therefore ManishMedi Innovation ensures to procure raw materials from certified vendors to manufacture the product so that the outcome is spotless.


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